Jail sentence for woman involved in car park sex act in Ballymena

Donegall Pass. Google imageDonegall Pass. Google image
Donegall Pass. Google image
A woman who was observed by police “engaging in a sexual act” with a man at a car park in the Donegall Pass area of Belfast, in full view of members of the public who were walking past the car park, has been jailed for two months.

Karla Kerr, 26, with an address listed as hostel at Garmoyle Street in Belfast, also admitted being disorderly in the Dublin Road area on the same date.

The defendant appeared via video link at Ballymena Magistrates Court which heard Kerr and the man had been “cautioned for indecent behaviour”.

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The man was referred to as a co-defendant but he was not before the court.

The prosecutor told the court: “As police entered the car park Ms Kerr could be observed engaging in a sexual act with the male defendant. They were situated in full view of the residential area and in full view of members of the public walking past.”

Kerr appeared at court via video link from Hydebank prison.

A defence lawyer said the defendant had an alcohol addiction “since a young age” but “she wants to make a change”.

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