Coastguard volunteer pulled from car, tied up and robbed outside home

Search and rescue service.Search and rescue service.
Search and rescue service.
A coastguard volunteer was tied up by a gang of masked men who burgled his home as he returned from a callout in Coleraine, County Londonderry, it has emerged.

The victim arrived back to his home in Gateside Road in the early hours of Wednesday, when the gang dragged him out of his car and into his house.

They tied him up and stole a number of items from the property.

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Police said it was “a terrifying ordeal for him” even though he was not physically injured.

Coastguard Station Officer Alistair Simpson told BBC News NI his colleague was an “experienced volunteer” who had been helping search Portrush beach for two people who were reported missing.

He responded to the call after concerns were raised about two surfers who had not returned home, but it later turned out to be a false alarm.

Mr Simpson said his colleague was “still wearing his coastguard overalls and boots” when he was attacked by the gang as he arrived home.

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He added that his colleague has a young family and it was a relief the children were not in the house at the time of the burglary.

“We are so angry that, while our volunteers are out risking their lives for their community, others can only think of crime,” a statement Coleraine Coastguard’s Facebook page added.

Police are investigating the incident, which happened shortly after 02:30 BST on Wednesday.

Det Insp McKenna said: “The man was not physically injured, however, this was a terrifying ordeal for him.

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“Our enquiries are continuing, and I would appeal to anyone who may have been in the area and saw any suspicious activity between 02:15 and 02:30 to please get in touch with us.”


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