Christmas gadgets could be 'gateway to online predators' police warn

Online safety. Picture: Adobe StockOnline safety. Picture: Adobe Stock
Online safety. Picture: Adobe Stock
Electronic devices and computer games consoles can provide “gateway for online sexual predators” police have warned.

With reports of online child sex abuse up more than 80% in just three years, the PSNI has warned anyone purchasing gadgets as Christmas presents to ensure children are protected.

Police said that many of the sexual abuse cases involved a predator’s initial approach using a gaming platform.

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The PSNI said its officers are working with the Safeguarding Board for NI and the Educational Authority to raise awareness of online grooming, and how to keep children and young people safe online over the this Christmas period.

Detective Chief Inspector Kerry Brennan said: “We’re asking parents, do you know what your child is doing online or most importantly, who they are talking to?

“For some children, it will be the first time they’ve owned a device that connects them to the online world. Even for older children, a new device means new corners of the digital landscape to explore – and unfortunately, new risks to be aware of.”

DCI Brennan said key tips include, “checking the privacy, location and parental controls on devices that the child uses, checking the direct messages and chat functions on apps, using parental controls and having open conversations with your child about what they are doing online.”

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Bernie McNally of the Safeguarding Board for NI said: “It’s the season when lots of local families are buying and gifting new devices and technology and it can be an exciting time as children discover all of the benefits of their new online spaces. While much of the interaction is positive, it also presents risk as often children can stumble across inappropriate and harmful content, and it can also be a gateway for people who wish to cause harm and exploit them.

“Often children can meet people through social and gaming sites that aren’t who they say they are so it’s important to have early, often and open conversations about behaviour and risk online, and encourage your child to talk to you if anything makes them feel unsafe or uncomfortable.”

Any parents concerned that children may be being groomed online or at risk, are advised to contact police on 101, or in an emergency dial 999.

Advice has also been published at