Bobby Storey: Rumours IRA chief was airlifted to hospital by the RAF are untrue, says MoD

An A400M AtlasAn A400M Atlas
An A400M Atlas
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has quashed rumours that the RAF had transported Bobby Storey to hospital in England.

The claims have swirled around on the internet for days, but a source flatly told the News Letter there is no truth to it.

However, they did add that, during the coronavirus crisis, the RAF has flown four MACA flights (Military Aid to the Civil Authority).

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This has involved A400M Atlas aircraft moving medical patients from Aldergrove to England, mainly the midlands.

None of the patients matched the profile of Mr Storey in terms of age.

During Mr Storey’s funeral, Gerry Adams had praised the NHS staff who cared for Mr Storey, but then went on to demand an end to “English rule”.

Efforts have also been made to edit Mr Storey’s Wikipedia page to expunge the fact he died in England.


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