North Belfast baby stabbing murder: lawyer for accused mother Raluca Tagani says ‘we know what happened – we just need to find out why’

The scene of the stabbingThe scene of the stabbing
The scene of the stabbing
A mother charged with murdering her baby son in north Belfast is undergoing medical assessments into her state of mind, a court heard today.

Raluca Tagani’s legal representative disclosed that experts are continuing to evaluate her condition in connection with the alleged stabbing of Liam O’Keefe.

Solicitor David Jones said: “The actions in this case are not in dispute, it’s really the why.”

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Two-month-old Liam died at Brompton Park in the Ardoyne area of north Belfast on July 27.

Tagani, a Romanian national of no fixed address, faces charges of murdering the baby and attempting to murder another young child who allegedly sustained serious injuries in the same incident.

The 29-year-old remains in custody while an investigation into the circumstances continues.

At Belfast Magistrates’ Court today a prosecution lawyer said progress has been made in the inquiries.

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Phone examinations are to be carried out as part of the ongoing probe, he added.

Mr Jones then confirmed the ongoing evaluation of his client’s state of mind.

“Two medical experts have assessed the defendant, and a further expert will assess her in due course,” he said.

Following the update District Judge George Conner adjourned the case for four weeks.

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