Alleged attack victim may have bleed to the brain

A man allegedly kicked to the head in Belfast city centre at the weekend may have to undergo surgery for a suspected bleed to the brain, a court has heard.

A judge was also told police saw the attack on him at Victoria Street on Saturday night.

Jonathan Meniece, 26, of Tennent Street in the city, is charged with inflicting grievous bodily harm over the incident.

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As he appeared before Belfast Magistrates’ Court a defence lawyer said the alleged victim has confirmed he does not want to co-operate with the investigation.

But a PSNI officer responded: “Police witnessed the assault and witnessed the defendant kick the injured party to the head.”

She also confirmed photographs were taken at the scene.

“We have also spoken to doctors at the Royal Victoria Hospital,” she added.

“At this point the injured party has a suspected bleed to the brain and may require surgery.”

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Seeking bail, Meniece’s solicitor argued that the alleged victim’s attitude means the case may never proceed.

He said his client should not be faced with a lengthy period in custody, citing mental health issues to back his argument.

“Prison is not the place for this young man,” he added.

District Judge Amanda Henderson voiced concerns about releasing Meniece back into the public.

But she agreed to adjourn the hearing for further information to be provided.

Meniece was remanded in custody to appear again on Wednesday.