RSPB NI: Join the dawn chorus festival this Sunday

Song thrush Turdus philomelos, adult male singing in treeSong thrush Turdus philomelos, adult male singing in tree
Song thrush Turdus philomelos, adult male singing in tree
​Set your alarm tomorrow for the wildest free music festival of the year! International Dawn Chorus Day takes place on Sunday, May 7 and RSPB NI are inviting you to wrap your ears around the most amazing sounds on the planet.

This is one of my favourite dates on the calendar, and a real sign that spring is here. I’ll be setting my alarm for 5am on Sunday morning, so I can enjoy the Dawn Chorus at its best.

Don’t worry if you’re not an early riser as you can hear nature’s finest singers throughout the whole morning. Whether you get outside for an early walk or just throwing open the windows to let the birdsong in, it’s a morning that can be enjoyed by all.

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Nothing lifts the spirits in the morning more than the Dawn Chorus, it’s like caffeine for the soul! I’m still learning birdsong and love using the RSPB’s handy audio guide which helps me to identify and confirm if my guesses are right. You can check it out here:

The first birds begin to sing about an hour before sunrise. If you listen carefully, you may notice that there is a regular sequence, with some species habitually starting before others.

Among the earliest to rise are Skylarks, Song thrushes, Robins, and Blackbirds, and as they do eat worms, there may be some truth to the old saying ‘the early bird catches the worm’. A more relaxed approach is taken by wrens and warblers, that typically appear later. These smaller birds, who are perhaps more sensitive to the coldness of dawn, feed on insects that appear later in the morning.

If this is your first Dawn Chorus, RSPB have put together a handy survival guide to help you enjoy nature’s finest musical experience to the full. It’s an unforgettable experience and completely worth the early start.

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