RSPB NI: It's time to celebrate September

A Jay foragingA Jay foraging
A Jay foraging
A​h September, those crisp sunny mornings return, beckoning us outside to soak up the last moments of summer warmth.

​As blackberries ripen in the hedges, the first signs of autumn are appearing and most of our summer visitors, such as the warblers and swallows, are beginning their migration south to sunnier spots. In our gardens, petals are beginning to drop as our summer blooms start to look a little worse for wear and for many this is a sign to dust off the gardening gloves and break out the secateurs.

It’s not just berries which are coming into season, it’s prime acorn hunting season too. You might get lucky and spot the flash of a blue wing of the Jay, the usually shy and secretive species can be seen on the ground gathering the goods. Watch out for the flash of pink and their famous white rump as they fly back up to the treetops when disturbed. If you don’t see them, you might hear their loud angry screech, as if you’ve annoyed them with your presence. Despite being a pretty clever bird, Jays often forget where they’ve buried some of their stash. This means that some of the acorns get left on the ground and are given the chance to grow into towering oaks.

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While our summer visitors begin to leave, the winter visitors are arriving! Among them are Knots, which are beginning to return from their breeding grounds in the Artic. They’re dumpy, stocky, wading birds, which use their highly specialised bill to prove the mud for tasty snacks. I’m also keeping my eye out for the Dunlins and Oystercatchers, its incredible to see them all together taking flight. If you head to Belfast Window on Wildlife, keep your eyes peeled for the wading birds along the shore. Why not take a visit to Portmore Lough Nature Reserve and take a moment on the platform to look out over the Lough and just take in the silence and sights of nature.

Did you know that as an RSPB member you get free entry to all reserves? Your membership is your pass to new adventures. Explore some of Northern Ireland’s most treasures landscapes and seek out some of our most iconic wildlife with unlimited free access, which includes any of the 170 reserves across the UK. You also receive the quarterly RSPB members only magazine, crammed full of features about the wildlife and wild places you love.

As a thank you for helping RSPB protect nature, adult and family members also get a free copy of the RSPB handbook of British birds, perfect for any budding birders!

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Image: Jay foraging, Credit Ben Andrew, RSPB Images

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