‘I hope I survive until the Twelfth of July... but it is getting harder to breathe’

23/06/2020: Antrim's Ken Wilkinson, at home23/06/2020: Antrim's Ken Wilkinson, at home
23/06/2020: Antrim's Ken Wilkinson, at home
Ken Wilkinson said he hopes to see in the Twelfth 2020 – but is not sure he will.

The long-time south Antrim loyalist has a terminal lung condition, and – according to the estimates given by doctors – he should have passed away already.

The PUP man has given what is possibly his last interview to the News Letter.

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His terminal illness “came as a bit of a shock” and he initially “thought it was just a chest complaint”.

Last August he was given “six to nine months” to live after being diagnosed with interstitial lung disease.

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It has a number of potential symptoms, ranging from shortness of breath and coughing to extreme tiredness and bleeding lungs.

That nine-month period came and went in May, and Mr Wilkinson said he is now “past my sell-by date”.

“Every day is sort of getting worse – especially the breathing. But I’m thankful to God that I’ve got this far.”

He “prays to God” that he will see the Twelfth this year, and have a little private bonfire in his back garden.

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He restated his insistence there be no paramilitary displays at his funeral, saying this is “because I’ve made a lot of friends, good frieinds, on the Catholic side, and I’m not going to insult them”.

How long is left?

“Well I don’t know. It’s getting harder and harder to walk. I pray to God every night. I thank God every morning. And that’s the God’s honest truth.

“Me and Eileen are quite happy. My grandchildren, I love each and every one of them. My family is very good to me.”

One legacy he is particularly proud of is the Fellowship of Messines – a body started by both loyalists and republicans, aimed at remembering the losses of both the 36th Ulster Division and the 16th Irish Division during World War One.

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It has seen many children taken to visit old battlefields in France and Belgium.

The web page is simply www.fellowshipofmessines.com/

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