Queen ‘inspired’ by Kate’s photographic lockdown project

The Duchess of CambridgeThe Duchess of Cambridge
The Duchess of Cambridge
The Queen has said she was “inspired” by the results of a photographic lockdown project led by the Duchess of Cambridge.

Kate (pictured) and a panel of judges selected 100 images from more than 31,000 entrie s for the Hold Still digital exhibition, which launched with the National Portrait Gallery in May.

People of all ages across the UK were invited to submit a photo which they had taken during lockdown, and in the six weeks that the project was open 31,598 images were submitted.

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As the exhibition went live today, the Queen said: “It was with great pleasure that I had the opportunity to look through a number of the portraits that made the final 100 images for the Hold Still photography project.

“The Duchess of Cambridge and I were inspired to see how the photographs have captured the resilience of the British people at such a challenging time, whether that is through celebrating frontline workers, recognising community spirit or showing the efforts of individuals supporting those in need.

“The Duchess of Cambridge and I send our best wishes and congratulations to all those who submitted a portrait to the project.”

Among the images shared with the Queen were The Look Of Lockdown by Carlotta Cutrupi, which evokes feelings of isolation, and Everyday Hero – Richard by Arnhel de Serra, which celebrates the work of a Royal Mail worker.

The digital exhibition can be viewed at npg.org.uk/holdstill

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