Well-known NI Dr Kieran Deeny rails against ‘disgusting’ anti-vax misinformation online

Dr Kieran Deeny receives his vaccination at Omagh Leisure CentreDr Kieran Deeny receives his vaccination at Omagh Leisure Centre
Dr Kieran Deeny receives his vaccination at Omagh Leisure Centre
A well-known doctor in Co Tyrone has spoken out against “disgusting” misinformation about coronavirus vaccines being spread on social media.

Dr Kieran Deeny, a GP who also served as an MLA for West Tyrone from 2003 to 2011 having run as an independent, was given the Pfizer/ BioNTech vaccine at Omagh Lesiure Centre last week as part of the vaccinaion programme for front-line health workers.

Dr Deeny is speaking out now to encourage the public to receive the vaccine when it is offered to them.

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“As a practicing medical doctor for over 40 years, I am totally convinced that all of us, or as many of us that is humanly possible, should get vaccinated against Covid-19 to protect not only ourselves but also our families, our friends, our communities and our geographical areas,” he said.

“Whilst, as with all vaccines, a mild reaction can occur, without any shadow of doubt the major risks from Covid-19 infection far outweigh the very minor risks associated with any of the Covid-19 vaccines.”

He continued: “The vaccination process was a positive, pleasant and uplifting experience.

“Please do not listen to the disgraceful, disgusting and downright dangerous — as well as potentially lethal — statements being spewed out by the anti-vaccination and conspiracy theory individuals that are popping up on social media.”

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Dr Deeny added: “If we were to listen to and believe these lies and so refuse to have our Covid-19 vaccinations, I have no doubt that 2021 will be an even worse year than 2020. We now have the tools and weapons to take down this most nasty and very dangerous virus and so return us all to normal living in 2021. Thank God for modern day science and medicine.”

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