Three patients die after catching coronavirus in hospital outbreak

Craigavon area hospitalCraigavon area hospital
Craigavon area hospital
Three patients have died after testing positive for coronavirus in an outbreak at Craigavon Area Hospital’s haematology ward.

One of the patients died at home and coronavirus is not believed to be the primary cause of death.

A spokesperson for the Southern Trust said: “We can confirm that two patients connected to the Haematology Ward, and who had tested positive with Covid19, have died within the last 48 hours. We are profoundly sorry about these deaths and extend our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of those who have passed away. A third patient who had been treated on the Haematology Ward was discharged home and has since sadly passed away with a Covid19 positive diagnosis but this was not the primary cause of death.”

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The hospital has been battling against three outbreaks of coronavirus, with the emergency department and Ward Three South also impacted along with the haematology ward.

The Southern Trust spokesperson said the emergency department is now “operating as normal”, while in Ward Three South two members of staff and one patient have tested positive, with 14 staff members self-isolating.

In the haematology ward, a total of 14 patients have tested positive.

The spokesperson added: “Seventeen members of staff have tested positive and are currently off and self-isolating.

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“There are 42 staff members have been identified as potential contacts and are currently self-isolating.”

At a press conference earlier this week, Health Minister Robin Swann said the situation at the hospital shows just how “fragile” the Northern Ireland health service is.

The Trust’s chief executive, Shane Devlin, said during a radio interview earlier this week that some services may have to be halted at the hospital due to the number of staff unable to work due to self-isolation.