Peter Weir says ‘people have a right to express their opinions’, after colleague Edwin Poots criticised new Covid restrictions

Peter Weir has defended remarks made by party colleague Edwin PootsPeter Weir has defended remarks made by party colleague Edwin Poots
Peter Weir has defended remarks made by party colleague Edwin Poots
A Stormont minister has said it is “important to have public discourse” over how to halt the surge of coronavirus cases.

Education Minister Peter Weir, of the DUP, was speaking after his party colleague and fellow minister Edwin Poots railed against tough new restrictions agreed by the Executive last week.

Mr Poots said his party had opposed some of the restrictions, and claimed some colleagues at the Executive “don’t seem to care” that people would lose their jobs as a result of the steps.

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He also pointed the finger of blame at certain sporting activities and, in particular, post-match celebration events.

Asked if he was referring to the GAA, the minister replied: “I am not labelling one particular group of people, but if people feel the cap fits that’s entirely up to them.”

Mr Weir said people have “a right to express their opinions”.

“What was agreed was a compromised position, I think it is reflecting remarks that have been made from the party leader and others as well,” he told the BBC.

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“If the DUP was deciding itself precisely what would happen in Northern Ireland, would this be of exactly the same nature? No it wouldn’t. But I think the same would also apply to other parties as well.

“We’re looking ahead to what will happen over the next number of months within Northern Ireland, and it’s important that we do have a level of public discussion and try to tease out from everyone what the precise direction of travel should be. What measures will be effective, what won’t.

“I think we’ve got to have that level of public debate while sending out a strong message.”

Communities Minister Caral Ni Chuilin also sparked a row after advising sporting organisations that spectators should not be allowed at matches.

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Arlene Foster took a different view, stating the regulations “do not ban spectators in the grounds of elite sports”.

“The existing position is maintained permitting a limited number to attend. Preposterous for clubs to be told anything to the contrary,” she posted on Twitter.