Coronavirus: Revised guidelines for visiting care facilities

A hospital bedA hospital bed
A hospital bed
The safety and wellbeing of staff and patients will be prioritised over those wishing to visit hospitals and care homes during the coronavirus crisis, the Department of Health (DoH) has said.

Although visits are not being prohibited, only one adult visitor per day is being recommended – and anyone who is not feeling well should stay away from all care facilities.

Visitors are also asked to wash their hands thoroughly both before and after each visit, as well as using the hand sanitiser gel provided.

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A spokesperson for the DoH said that if two or more people wished to visit any site then this should only be done following discussion with a ward sister or equivalent.

“Hospitals and other providers have to prioritise the safety and wellbeing of patients and staff. People with underlying health problems are at particular risk, which is why hospital environments and care homes need to take particular care.”

The spokesperson added: “We expect normal business will not be possible as we move into the next phase of this pandemic.”