Coronavirus: ‘Medical masks being stolen from hospitals – people should be ashamed of their behaviour’

Robin SwannRobin Swann
Robin Swann
Health minister Robin Swann today said that certain members of the public should be ashamed of their behaviour, as he hammered home the message to follow medical advice to the letter.

During a question-and-answer session in the Assembly, the erstwhile leader of the UUP said that whilst the Covid-19 crisis is bringing out the best in many people, he hopes “it also shames the worst of us”.

He drew murmurs of approval throughout the chamber when he condemned people “who cannot see that their selfish actions today yesterday and tomorrow will cost lives”.

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Amid rising concern that medical staff do not have enough personal protective equipment, he told fellow MLAs: “Earlier on today I authorised the release of 30% of our pandemic stockpile.

“It’s probably earlier then we wished we could have but (that’s) because of the concerns that have been raised.”

He said the onus is now on clinical staff to distribute them accordingly and make sure it is “managed wisely”.

He went on to say: “I stood here a fortnight ago and talked about hand sanitiser being stolen from hospitals.

“Folks – face masks are being stolen from our EDs.”

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Whilst the government has lived up to its responsibility to make protective wear available, “there’s also a responsibility on the wider public to make sure it’s available for those who need it when they need it”.