How the Red Cross PRISM Project teaches new core skills

A Sudanese woman now living in east Belfast has spoken about how Red Cross NI’s PRISM project has helped her settle in Northern Ireland.

Sarah came to Northern Ireland to be with her husband, who was already in the country. PRISM was recommended by a friend of the mum of five, and the project has helped her with her English and offered an opportunity to meet new people.

“I enjoyed all eight weeks of the project, and most of all the residential to Corrymeela,” says Sarah. “It was my first time there, and it was so relaxing. I enjoyed the massage, as well as the music and the dancing. I tried to learn some Irish dancing. My kids all really enjoyed their time at Corrymeela, too.”

Sarah says she is keen to be involved in PRISM in the future.

“I want to thank all the volunteers in PRISM who were so lovely and kind to us all. I plan to keep in touch with my new friends, and I hope PRISM will happen again.”

Find out more about the work of PRISM here.