Free School Meals scheme pressure now on Stormont after Boris Johnson makes u-turn following Marcus Rashford campaign

First Minister Arlene Foster says she intends to propose extending the free school meals scheme to include the summer holidays. (Photo: PA Wire)First Minister Arlene Foster says she intends to propose extending the free school meals scheme to include the summer holidays. (Photo: PA Wire)
First Minister Arlene Foster says she intends to propose extending the free school meals scheme to include the summer holidays. (Photo: PA Wire)
There are calls for Education Minister, Peter Weir, to extend the free school meals over the summer for thousands of vulnerable children in Northern Ireland.

Up until recently, the free school meals scheme throughout the United Kingdom was limited to the duration of the academic year.

However, campaigner and Manchester United footballer, Marcus Rashford, forced Prime Minister Boris Johnson to make a u-turn and agree to extend the scheme over the summer holidays.

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The spread of the Coronavirus and the impact upon the economy and jobs have all played an important part in convincing the government in London to agree to the extension of the scheme.

A few minutes before Boris Johnson was forced into the u-turn, First Minister for Scotland Nicola Sturgeon announced the Scottish government would be extending the scheme over the summer.

"Glad the British government has u-turned on free school meals.

"Our Executive now needs to do the same," said SDLP leader and MP for Foyle, Colum Eastwood.

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Sinn Fein MLA, Karen Mullan, also added her voice to the increasing number of elected representatives and community workers calling for the scheme to be extended in Northern Ireland.

“Payments made available to families in the absence of free school meals is due to come to an end at the end of June.

“This financial support has benefited over 100,000 children and their families during this period of the COVID-19 crisis and June 30 now represents a very real and severe cliff edge for these families.

“We now have a mechanism by which holiday hunger can be addressed through the fortnightly direct payment."

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Northern Ireland is the only part of the United Kingdom where the free school meals will end on June 30.

We contacted the Department of Education for comment but we had not received a reply at the time of publication.


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