Young Farmers’ enjoy a week away to the slopes on YFCU ski trip

YFCU president James Speers with fellow YFC members enjoying the YFCU ski trip in Val ThorensYFCU president James Speers with fellow YFC members enjoying the YFCU ski trip in Val Thorens
YFCU president James Speers with fellow YFC members enjoying the YFCU ski trip in Val Thorens
On Saturday, January 5th, a group of members from Young Farmers clubs across Northern Ireland travelled to Val Thorens in France to enjoy a week of skiing on the YFCU ski trip.

It had been several years since the last YFCU ski trip but with the YFCU president’s, James Speers, theme of ‘embracing change’ in mind, the idea was raised to organise a trip in 2019.

The response was an overwhelming yes, setting the wheels in motion for a fantastic ski trip to France.

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The YFCU ski trip was booked through an experienced company, NUCO travel, who organised the flight’s accommodation and evening activities, making the trip fun and stress-free for all involved. This combined with fantastic skiing conditions and facilities, suited to all levels of skier from beginner to advanced, meant all the YFC members enjoyed a great week away regardless of their previous experience or skiing ability.

The trip also coincided with similar trips organised by Scottish Young Farmers’ Clubs and Harper Adams University in England, giving the YFCU members the opportunity to catch up with colleagues from across the water.

Kilrea Young Farmers’ Club Member Timothy Davidson said:

“We had an absolutely fantastic week away! Val Thorens is the biggest ski resort in Europe with over 600km of piest. It is a world of skiing for both beginners and seasoned professionals, making it a great all-round trip for everyone.

I cannot recommend this trip enough and encourage all clubs to tell members and friends about it for next year, we want to make sure the numbers go up and the trip can grow next year!”