YFCU members complete AQA Unit Award Scheme

Members from Newtownards YFC who have recently been awarded certificates for taking part in the National AQA unit award schemeMembers from Newtownards YFC who have recently been awarded certificates for taking part in the National AQA unit award scheme
Members from Newtownards YFC who have recently been awarded certificates for taking part in the National AQA unit award scheme
Young Farmers' Clubs of Ulster members have recently been awarded certificates for taking part in the National AQA unit award scheme.

The scheme allows YFCU to deliver accredited unit award scheme training to its members who take part in a range of training activities and competitions currently offered by YFCU.

The members who partake in the scheme will receive a certificate from a recognised examining and awarding body which can be included in their CVs and records of achievement.

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The activities that are available for accreditation are: Introduction to public speaking; dairy stock judging and assessment; beef stock judging and assessment; sheep stock judging and assessment; constructing a stock proof fence; participating in a drama performance; participating in a choir; volunteering as a club secretary; preparing a floral arrangement and Introduction to tag rugby.

To sign up, members can register with their club secretary or directly through YFCU HQ on 028 9037 0713 or by emailing: [email protected].

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