Union vows to protect 54 at-risk jobs as Translink announces £20m cuts

Translink Group Chief Executive Chris Conway says the company must make £20m of savings to cope with the pandemic. 
Photo by Aaron McCrackenTranslink Group Chief Executive Chris Conway says the company must make £20m of savings to cope with the pandemic. 
Photo by Aaron McCracken
Translink Group Chief Executive Chris Conway says the company must make £20m of savings to cope with the pandemic. Photo by Aaron McCracken
Translink says it is aiming to make £20m in savings as part of its Covid-19 recovery plan, with one trade union claiming it is 54 staff are at risk from compulsory redundancies.

The transport company hs carried out an internal review to reduce operating, overhead and management costs, targeting £20m of savings, whilst aspiring to maintain front line services.

It said the move is a necessary step towards ensuring a sustainable public transport network to support communities and the environment.

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It also confirmed it would be “withdrawing” from the Ulsterbus Tours business due to the long-term impact of Covid-19 on the tourism market.

Chris Conway, Translink’s Group Chief Executive, said: “The Covid-19 economic impact has left public transport globally in a very challenging funding situation.

“Translink welcomes the response from the NI Executive and Department for Infrastructure with emergency Covid-19 funding, however it is important to recognise the impact that Covid-19 will have on revenues for some time to come. We are targeting savings of £20m and as such, we have had to make some very difficult decisions.”

The company says the cuts will have “minimal impact” on frontline operational employees’ jobs but a number of redundancies in management and overhead functions are likely.

Consultation is due to open

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But trade union Unite said it will seek use consultation period to “fight for every job, ensure retention of all rural routes and those servicing deprived urban communities” and that Westminster needs to “get real” on sector-specific support in NI.

Unite Deputy Regional Secretary Davy Thompson said: “Today’s announcement that Translink is potentially seeking 54 compulsory redundancies and a withdrawal from Ulsterbus Tours will come as concerning news to the entire workforce.

“This is the first time in living memory that we face the threat of compulsory redundancies in Translink and reflects the particular challenges posed by the Covid pandemic against the backdrop of the long-term underfunding of public transport.

“Unite will enter consultation with Translink on this proposal with the aim of fighting for every job and countering the ripple effects that are likely to arise from the decision to withdraw from Ulsterbus Tours.

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“We wish to make clear at the outset that our engagement is predicated on no impact to the provision of rural services or socially-vital services to deprived urban communities.”

Translink has struggled financially for some time, a problem compounded further by the pandemic.

In April, it told Stormont’s Infrastructure Committee it needed a £100m injection to continue providing a public transport network following a 90% drop in passengers.

In June it received an additional £20m from the Department of Finance from unspent cash from other departments.

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Sinn Féin MLA Cathal Boylan has asked the Infrastructure Minister if Ulsterbus Tours drivers could now be redirected into regular Translink roles.

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