No DfE meeting for ‘left behind’ micro business owners

Economy minister Diane DoddsEconomy minister Diane Dodds
Economy minister Diane Dodds
Economy Minister Diane Dodds has declined an invitation to meet with micro business owners in Northern Ireland who have missed out on coronavirus hardship grant aid.

Lobby group ExcludedNI claims that up to 10,000 sole traders and micro business owners in NI have “been left behind” despite UK government efforts to assist the regional economies during the Covid-19 lockdown.

Although millions of pounds have already been paid out in grants, Brian Donaldson of ExcludedNI has been left devastated that £65m was underspent by Stormont while so many people got nothing. Freelance chef Mr Donaldson said he expected the economy minister would “make a case” to her Executive colleagues for a new micro business hardship fund to be set up.

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However, having written to Mrs Dodds, the minister has now responded saying she will not be able to schedule a meeting due to her current workload.

The Department for the Economy (DfE) response states: “As you will appreciate the minister has a heavily committed diary and is regrettably unable to accept your invitation at this time. However, I understand that correspondence has been received by the department from the group via MLAs and responses will be issued in due course.”

Mr Donaldson said he was disappointed that the meeting request was declined.

“She seems very willing to meet the hospitality sector on a regular basis. She needs to worry about the entire economy,” he said.