Teenage entrepreneur thrives in Covid crisis with Kellies Coffee

Ross Kelly who is just 18 and runs Kellies CoffeeRoss Kelly who is just 18 and runs Kellies Coffee
Ross Kelly who is just 18 and runs Kellies Coffee
A County Down teenage entrepreneur is thriving with a niche outdoor coffee business, operated from a vintage converted horse box on his parents’ garden in Ardglass.

A County Down teenage entrepreneur is thriving with a niche outdoor coffee business, operated from a vintage converted horse box on his parents’ garden in Ardglass.

‘A level’ student Ross Kelly, who is just 18 and runs Kellies Coffee, has already been in business for more than three years and says trade has improved during the lockdown.

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He explained: “Covid has worked in our favour because many of the sit-in cafes are closed and we are a takeaway service. There has been such a demand for coffee because everywhere else has been closed and people have got to know about us.”

Ross is studying business, digital technology as well as travel and tourism at Shimna Integrated College in Newcastle. He says he enjoys running his own enterprise and being his own boss.

He started Kellies Coffee when he was around 14 with a friend Ellie and they merged their names to come up with the brand.

Initially the company was just to meet a one-off demand for a local event but it took off.

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“I wanted to be different and do something new,” said the teenager, who continued the business on his own when Ellie preferred to pursue other interests. 

Kellies, which operates from Tollumgrange Road, Ardglass, is advertised through word of mouth, facebook, instagram and also a little sign for daytrippers and locals. 

The business was initially run from a gazebo but with his profits Ross invested in a converted vintage horse trailer which he acquired in July 2019.

Ross said his parents, Roy and Isabel, are very supportive and encouraging, and his mother helps him prepare the baked goods as well as offering financial and other business advice.

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Initially surprised by Ross’ desire to commit his spare time to business at such a young age but the family has always helped him, his mum Isobel explained: “I try not to butt into Ross’s business but I do like it when he asks for advice. The odd time I will give him advice when he doesn’t ask.

“Ross and I are very similar. We both enjoy working very hard! I guess you reap what you sow and this has paid off.

“My husband Roy is also at Ross’ beck and call when he needs the horse trailer transported.”

His mother has been even more surprised at how much the business has grown in recent times.

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She continued: “It has taken off in our house in the back and beyond. Before Covid Ross was doing festivals and events. Due to Covid he had to be creative and suggested to us about locating the coffee trailer at the house.”

In fact the family is considering taking some of the garden away to make room for parking customers but it will depend on whether the custom continues when the cafes reopen.

Isobel added: “We are extremely proud of Ross. He is an incredible young man. His entrepreneurial skills are totally amazing!”

Ross is one of four children and when need his older sister helps out when she is not at university.

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Kellies’ takeout is open mostly at the weekend from 11am to 4pm, and during school holidays.

Thanking all his loyal customers who have helped him on the road to success, Ross added: “Our bestsellers are his latte, malteaser squares and nutella crepes and he puts a premium on customer service.

“I sometimes have to sacrifice time with friends but they are very supportive. I love what I do despite the challenges including making sure that I follow Covid rules about restricted numbers and sanitization points. I am currently looking forward to the annual Downpatrick Christmas market on the December 19. However in the long-term, I would like to have other outlets and perhaps my own café.

“I would advise others interested in starting their own business to just go for it and believe in yourself. Nothing should hold you back!”

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