SME support forum offers small firm showcase

Barbara Lamb, owner of the Coffee Box joined Chris Ross, Managing Partner of McKees and Founder of the SME Support ForumBarbara Lamb, owner of the Coffee Box joined Chris Ross, Managing Partner of McKees and Founder of the SME Support Forum
Barbara Lamb, owner of the Coffee Box joined Chris Ross, Managing Partner of McKees and Founder of the SME Support Forum
The SME Support Forum has launched a Small Business Showcase initiative aimed at shining a light on some of the fantastic businesses from across Northern Ireland who have continued to adapt and survive despite the many challenges they have faced over the last year.

Chris Ross, Managing Partner of McKees and Founder of the SME Support Forum said: “Local business owners have faced unprecedented challenges since last March. However, one thing this pandemic has demonstrated is the determination, resilience and agility of Northern Ireland’s business owners. We launched the SME Support Forum in March 2020 to help support and guide SMEs through this unknown territory with many, if not all, facing the biggest obstacles they ever have in business to date. During this time, we’ve been able to help hundreds of local SMEs and have generated strong interaction across our social media channels and dedicated website. We want to use this platform to help promote businesses across Northern Ireland, which is why we have launched the Small Business Showcase, to share some of the fantastic local companies and give them the opportunity to tell their story, the changes they have made to continue trading and to also share their advice to others in the same position.”

The first Small Business Showcase is the Coffee Box, which is owned by Barbara Lamb who spotted an opportunity during lockdown to open a takeaway coffee shop beside the Belfast Boat Club last June.

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Barbara Lamb, owner of the Coffee Box explained: “I had to temporarily close my thriving promotional marketing business at the start of the first lockdown in March 2020 which was devastating for me. However, I knew I needed to pivot and spotted an opportunity to open a takeaway coffee shop at the beginning of a busy walking path. We’ve had a fantastic response to date and have continued to increase the offering we provide. I would encourage small business owners to contact the SME Support Forum if they do need help. It continues to be a difficult time for us all and it’s good to know that the offer of help is there if and when needed.”

Chris Ross added: “With her strong work ethic and passion for business, Barbara assessed her options and opened a takeaway coffee shop beside a popular walking spot with lots of passing trade. Business owners like Barbara, should be commended for their ability to adapt and pivot at this time.”

Each business showcased will be profiled and promoted across the SME Support Forum’s dedicated website and highly engaged social media platforms.

For more information go to If you would like to be featured in the Small Business Showcase please contact Grainne Verner by emailing [email protected]

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