New electric delivery bikes taking to Belfast city centre’s streets this week

Lord Mayor Kate Nicholl,  Damien Corr, manager, Cathedral Quarter BID, Michael Stewart, president, Belfast Chamber, Ian Richardson, streetdock and David Kane, streetdockLord Mayor Kate Nicholl,  Damien Corr, manager, Cathedral Quarter BID, Michael Stewart, president, Belfast Chamber, Ian Richardson, streetdock and David Kane, streetdock
Lord Mayor Kate Nicholl, Damien Corr, manager, Cathedral Quarter BID, Michael Stewart, president, Belfast Chamber, Ian Richardson, streetdock and David Kane, streetdock
Electric delivery bikes will be taking to Belfast city centre streets following the launch of a zero-emissions delivery service by local company, streetdock.

Funding for the new initiative comes from the Department for Infrastructure’s Sustainable and Active Travel elements of the Department for Communities’ Covid-19 Revitalisation Programme Fund, with Belfast City Council supporting project delivery.

The pilot project, which will operate for one year, offers a sustainable delivery solution for city centre-based business-to-business deliveries. Lord Mayor of Belfast, Councillor Kate Nicholl, said: “I’m delighted to officially launch streetdock’s e-cargo delivery service. Alongside the Department for Infrastructure and the Department for Communities, Belfast City Council has developed a Bolder Vision for the future of the city centre. This vision fundamentally reimagines how our streets and public spaces are used.

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“It looks to create more vibrant, connected and accessible places that appeal to a wide range of people. streetdock’s e-cargo delivery service is a great practical example of how innovative thinking can help to transform this collective vision into reality.

Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon with Ian Richardson, streetdock and Damien Corr, Cathedral Quarter BIDInfrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon with Ian Richardson, streetdock and Damien Corr, Cathedral Quarter BID
Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon with Ian Richardson, streetdock and Damien Corr, Cathedral Quarter BID

“These non-polluting forms of transport will help lower city centre traffic congestion, supporting key aims of reducing car dominance and prioritising routes for walking, wheeling and cycling through the city centre.”

Infrastructure Minister, Nichola Mallon, continued: “I am delighted to be able to provide the funding for this initiative for Belfast as it supports my ambition to make the city better for walking, wheeling and cycling. The use of e-cargo bikes has the potential to contribute to the transformation of the streets in Belfast, by reducing the need for deliveries to be made by van or lorry. By using more sustainable transport, we can reclaim road space to use for better things that will transform our places – and I want to work with local communities and Councils to make it happen.”

Ian Richardson from streetdock, explained: “People are realising that we will not meet our zero-emission targets if we don’t change how we do things. Our vision is to help Belfast reduce congestion, air pollution and provide businesses with new options that enable them to make positive changes while also benefiting from better services.”

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Damien Corr from Cathedral Quarter BID said: “Under the Safer, Cleaner, Greener strand of the Cathedral Quarter Business plan for the next five years, the CQ BID has been facilitating activity around the pedestrianisation in this part of the city.

“During our discussions a common concern among business is, not surprisingly, how can we get deliveries to our premises? It struck me that eCargo bikes could be part of the solution and we’re keen to continue to facilitate discussions between streetdock and businesses in the Cathedral Quarter moving forward.”

streetdock’s e-cargo bikes will be taking to the streets from December 9. Any business in the city centre area interested in finding out more about the service should email [email protected]

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