Derry Bros gets All-Ireland business Allstar Accreditation

Brigid Derry, Managing Director at Derry BrosBrigid Derry, Managing Director at Derry Bros
Brigid Derry, Managing Director at Derry Bros
Armagh firm, Derry Bros Customs Clearance, has been awarded a Business Allstar Accreditation from the All-Ireland Business Foundation, which exists to promote meritocracy and encourage businesses to aspire to reach the highest level.

Brigid Derry, Managing Director at Derry Bros, said: “We’re absolutely delighted to receive this Business All-Star Accreditation. Our team have been really busy over the last eight weeks working alongside the All-Ireland Business Foundation to achieve this status. This accreditation is an outstanding achievement and recognises the hard work and dedication of our team in providing a best-in-class service to all our customers.”

Business All-Star accredited companies are defined as progressive, indigenous Irish businesses which meet the highest standards of verified performance, trust and customer centricity. In achieving this accreditation Derry Bros joins a unique group of businesses.

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Brigid added: “I believe this continues to demonstrate our commitment to improving our service to our customers and suppliers. And is a further endorsement of all the hard work and effort the team put in day and night. I’m really proud my team are getting the recognition they deserve.”

The three pillars of All-Ireland Business All-Star accreditation are Performance, Trust and Customer Centricity. In a globalized world, where customers have a choice, they tend to opt for the highest quality, efficiency and convenience - wherever it can be found.

The Foundation is responsible for identifying and accrediting best-in-class Irish businesses, overseeing the All-Ireland Business Accreditations. It also offers accredited businesses with opportunities to engage in peer-dialogue, collaboration and support to each other. It also allows them to attain and, most importantly, maintain the highest verified standards for the benefit of both businesses and consumers.

It is led by an advisory board made up of a panel of volunteer judges, mentors and business experts. The independent adjudication panel is chaired by Dr. Briga Hynes, head of the Kemmy Business School at the University of Limerick and Kieran Ring, CEO of the Global Institute.

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