Complacency warning as bars and restaurants reopen today

Economy Minister Diane Dodds with (l-r) Yvonne McIlwee, director of sales and marketing at Titanic Hotel, Janice Gault, CEO of NI Hotels Federation and Adrian McNally, general manager, Titanic Hotel.Economy Minister Diane Dodds with (l-r) Yvonne McIlwee, director of sales and marketing at Titanic Hotel, Janice Gault, CEO of NI Hotels Federation and Adrian McNally, general manager, Titanic Hotel.
Economy Minister Diane Dodds with (l-r) Yvonne McIlwee, director of sales and marketing at Titanic Hotel, Janice Gault, CEO of NI Hotels Federation and Adrian McNally, general manager, Titanic Hotel.
As more lockdown restrictions are eased this weekend, Diane Dodds has urged anyone visiting the re-opened bars and restaurants not to be complacent.

The Economy Minister was commenting after visiting a number of hospitality sector venues as they prepare to begin trading again today after the Covid-19 lockdown.

“It remains vital that everyone – business owners, staff and customers – takes the appropriate precautions,” she said.

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“The recent relaxation of social distancing rules by the Executive will have a direct positive impact on tourism and hospitality businesses and also on the people using them, but we must not be complacent.”

Mrs Dodds added: “While this year we may not welcome as many outside visitors here as we normally would during the summer, I am confident that businesses in the sector will see a great many local customers in the coming weeks and months and will deliver the quality offering that they are so well known for.”