Gerry Adams Christmas video: charity still wishes to maintain partnership with card company but distances itself from controversy

A screengrab from the Ferry Clever card company video which has now been withdrawnA screengrab from the Ferry Clever card company video which has now been withdrawn
A screengrab from the Ferry Clever card company video which has now been withdrawn
A Northern Ireland charity has distanced itself from a controversial ad featuring Gerry Adams which angered IRA victims.

Foyle Search and Rescue are a charity partner of Ferry Clever, the satirical greeting card company based in Londonderry, who commissioned the former Sinn Fein president to record the promotional video in which he sings, ‘Tis the season to be jolly, tiocfaidh ar la, la, la, la, la’.

The video also references a quip used by Mr Adams when making reference to the IRA at a Belfast rally in 1995 – “They haven’t gone away you know.”

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The video has since been withdrawn and the company has also stopped selling a Christmas card depicting Santa dressed in republican paramilitary uniform, with the slogan, “You better watch out, you better not tout.”

Following the controversy, Foyle Search and Rescue said: “As a charity we rely on local business and the public for the vital funds to deliver our service to the city.

“We are very grateful to the small local businesses who make us a charity partner. We would like to point out that businesses/public will use a variety of means to raise funds which we have no control over and sometimes we do not know this has happened until they are making a donation.

“Ferry Clever have been using Northern Ireland comedy to deliver a range of products which up until now have received support and feedback from not only the people of the city but further afield. As a charity we asked for our name not be associated with this or any political comedy products, however we still wished to be their charity partner and to support our local businesses. If any offence has occurred we deeply apologise.”

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Gerry Adams Christmas video withdrawn after victims’ backlash

A spokesperson for Ferry Clever said: “Whilst our business is based around satirical comedy, it was never our intention to offend anyone. We have now removed the video and have stopped selling the card in question.

“This will not affect the charitable end of this initiative as we will be making a donation to ensure the charity is not negatively impacted.”

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