BWMB heads to markets to engage with wool producers

BWMB auction mart displayBWMB auction mart display
BWMB auction mart display
Following the summer shows, the major season for sheep sales will soon be in full swing and the British Wool Marketing Board (BWMB) is looking forward to meeting wool producers at numerous auction markets over the coming months.

BWMB chairman Ian Buchanan said with auction markets and the BWMB fulfilling similar roles for the farming industry the BWMB’s attendance at autumn sheep sales is a natural way to meet wool producers.

“Both the auction markets and the BWMB are focussed on obtaining the best possible price for farmers produce and on adding value wherever possible,” he explained.

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“The BWMB auction system is central to maximising the value of producers’ wool clip, helping ensure they receive the true market value for their product and this is no different to livestock markets.”

Mr Buchanan said as well as providing a valuable trading outlet for farmers’, auction markets were also an important part of the social fabric of farming and a natural meeting point for farmers. “We’re committed to working with auction markets wherever possible and fully support the vital role they play in the livestock sector.

“We’re looking forward to meeting a large number of sheep farmers in the coming months helping them understand how BWMB is working to maximise the value of their wool clip, both through the competitive auction system and also through our work with the Campaign for Wool (CfW).

“Co-operation and collaboration is vital and this is another example of the importance of working together within our industry. We have the collective strength in BWMB that no single farmer could ever muster on their own. This means we can maximise wool prices by offering significant volumes of quality assured wool to buyers and their customers from across the world, reaching far further than any other wool marketing organisation,” he said.

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Meanwhile, Livestock Auctioneers Association Chairman Rod Cordingley said BWMB’s presence in auction markets over the main sheep sale season would be welcomed by both the markets and farmers. “We’re delighted to be working closely with the BWMB to help farmers get the best value from their wool and look forward to seeing their representatives in markets throughout the coming months.”