Bombardier NI awaits fate as global company ‘reviews requirements’

The Bombardier factory in BelfastThe Bombardier factory in Belfast
The Bombardier factory in Belfast
Aircraft manufacturer Bombardier has said it is “reviewing our requirements for our Northern Ireland operations” while announcing the loss of 2,500 jobs globally.

The massive company’s main operating base in Canada is set to bear the brunt of the redundancies.

Bombardier said it made the “difficult decision” due to a 30% drop in demand for business jets as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

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In a statement yesterday relating to its Belfast operations, the company said: “Bombardier Aviation announced today that it would adjust its workforce to align with current market conditions reflecting the extraordinary industry interruptions and challenges caused by Covid-19.

“In light of this, we are reviewing our requirements for our Northern Ireland operations for all our aircraft programmes and will communicate any impact in due course.”

Bombardier’s Belfast operations were wound down at the peak of the pandemic, with about 50% of staff believed to be back at the factory.

The Belfast workforce had been wound down early in the Covid-19 outbreak but it is understood that around 50% of the workers are back on site.

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Commenting on the global operations of the company, the Bombardier statement said: “When the pandemic first arose, Bombardier Aviation responded quickly, suspending manufacturing operations to support local government efforts to slow the spread of the virus and to protect the health and safety of employees, partners and customers.”

The company also said it “must adjust its operations and workforce to ensure that it emerges from the current crisis on solid footing”.

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