INTERNATIONAL RUGBY: Proud Rory Best marks 100th cap in style

Ireland's Rory Best.Ireland's Rory Best.
Ireland's Rory Best.
Ireland captain Rory Best had a night to remember as Ireland finished the Guiness Test Series with a brilliant victory over Australia at the Aviva Stadium in Dublin.

Best, who won his 100th cap, said Ireland’s performance made the occasion extra special.

He said: “It’s amazing, and to do it out here with the crowd we get ... we get unbelievable support here. To walk out with my two eldest kids and to take in that moment and look around.

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“It’s everything I wanted it to be today and probably a whole lot more.”

He added: “It’s a win we’re very, very proud of.”

Best recalled “wave after wave of gold” coming at Ireland early in the second half, and looked forward to the RBS 6 Nations early in the new year.

“We’re obviously building and we’re reasonably happy with where we are. We’ll keep building,” Best said.

England are setting a phenomenal pace and it’s up to the rest of the Six Nations to keep up with that.”