Sports clubs – you can now get free anti-coronavirus kits from the government

A worker on a PPE factory lineA worker on a PPE factory line
A worker on a PPE factory line
The Stormont minister in charge of sports has made PPE (personal protective equipment) packages available to organisations across NI.

Communities minister Carál Ní Chuilín announced the project is costing £1m, and said it is designed to assist with the safe re-opening of facilities.

The packs contain disinfectant wipes, hand sanitiser, face masks, gloves, fluid-repellent apron, face shield, and signage (such as stickers reminding people of social distancing).

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Sports clubs and organisations are now invited to register an expression of interest to receive one of the 2,500 kits.

Minister Ní Chuilín said: “We all have a role to play in controlling the spread of Covid-19 and the provision of this necessary PPE equipment to sports clubs and sporting organisations will help in our fight against this virus.

“I hope that by providing these Covid Safe Sport Packs to clubs, it will ease some of the financial strain which is associated with a safe return to sport in this new environment.”

Sport clubs and sporting organisations should register their interest for the COVID Safe Sports Pack on the Sport NI website at:

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To qualify, a group must have a governing body recognised by Sport NI, be affiliated to such a body, or be a charity / voluntary group whose main aim is to provide physical activity / sport.

Ulster Supported Employment Ltd (USEL) will assemble and arrange delivery of the packs.

If you need help or if you have any questions, email: [email protected] or call Angharad Bunt on 07810 183 023, or Mike McClure on 07976 468 914.


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