No spectators permitted when club cricket returns in NI

No fans are to be permitted at cricketNo fans are to be permitted at cricket
No fans are to be permitted at cricket
No spectators will be allowed inside grounds when competitive club cricket resumes in Northern Ireland later this month.

In a statement published by the Stormont Executive on Thursday afternoon, it was confirmed that while “outdoor competitive games and sporting events can also start again from July 11”, no spectators “will be allowed”.

The news is a hammer blow for the local game and looks to have ended all hopes that the return of competitive action would deliver some much-needed revenue for clubs.

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Administrators had hoped that given the modest number of supporters who attend games, that clubs would be given the green light to open their gates for spectators.

However, those hopes have now been dashed.

A source at one NCU club said: “What is the point now in cricket resuming? It’s no good for the clubs not to have people watching. It will also very difficult for clubs to police.”

Communities Minister, Carál Ní Chuilín said: “The Executive has endorsed a return to competition, albeit without spectators, and has agreed that indoor sports facilities can reopen on 17 July. These decisions are based on the latest scientific and health advice and it is more important than ever to emphasise that everyone has a personal responsibility to follow the guidance and to protect those around them.

“I trust that sports people, clubs and Governing Bodies are compliant with the guidance that is out there. We all want to enjoy taking part in sport once again and look forward to attending sporting events when it is safe to do so.”

A message from the Editor:

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