Update due on progress in RHI probe

Sir Patrick Coghlin chairs the RHI inquirySir Patrick Coghlin chairs the RHI inquiry
Sir Patrick Coghlin chairs the RHI inquiry
An update from the man in charge of the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) Inquiry is due to be given on Monday.

Sir Patrick Coghlin, chairman of the public inquiry, is currently gathering evidence before the full proceedings begin.

He will deliver a statement at 11am in Parliament Buildings at Stormont revealing the extent of progress so far.

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It will be the second such preliminary hearing since the inquiry was first announced on January 24.

During the statement he made in the last preliminary hearing in April, he said he expected the full proceedings to “commence in early autumn this year”.

The press release alerting media to the latest hearing states that Monday’s hearing will update the public on “the progress of the extensive evidence gathering process” to date, and the give an indication of the timetable for the next phase of the inquiry”.

It is understood the chairman will make his statement alone, and that there will be no questions and answers.