Translink workers to vote on industrial action over pay offer

Translink said the ballot involved only a small number of staffTranslink said the ballot involved only a small number of staff
Translink said the ballot involved only a small number of staff
Some Translink workers are being balloted today on potential industrial action over a pay dispute.

The members of Transport and Salaried Staffs’ Association (TSSA) will be asked to vote on a possible strike.

The row involves employees at management, professional and technical (MPT) grades.

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Translink said the proposed action was regrettable but stressed it only involved a small number of its overall workforce.

TSSA is distributing ballots to their members today.

The union’s general secretary Manuel Cortes claimed: “After almost a year of waiting for the company to come to the table, our members received an offer which was 1% lower than every other grade in Translink.

“The company have since refused our requests to reconvene talks to find a resolution to our members’ justifiable grievance.”

Mr Cortes said the union was willing to enter talks with management during the ballot period.

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“All our MPT members want is to be shown the same respect as their colleagues in terms of pay and consultation rights,” he added.

A Translink spokeswoman said the company was aware of the proposed ballot among a “small group of employees”.

“This proposed action is regrettable,” she said.

“We will continue to work in a positive manner with our professional and technical employees as we await the outcome of this ballot”.

TSSA issued Translink with a dispute notice in February following a rejection of their offer of a 1% pay increase in the managerial, professional and technical grades – which TSSA said was less than half the offer being made to other workers within the company.