Man taken to hospital after 'incident' in N.I. forest

Air Ambulance N.I. was tasked to the scene of the incident.Air Ambulance N.I. was tasked to the scene of the incident.
Air Ambulance N.I. was tasked to the scene of the incident.
An ambulance has taken a man to hospital after an "incident" in a forest in Northern Ireland.

It is believed the man became trapped under a fallen tree in Cam Forest near Limavady on Thursday afternoon.

"The Northern Ireland Ambulance Service (N.I.A.S.) received a 999 call following reports of an incident in Cam Forest, Craigmore Road," said a spokesperson for N.I.A.S.

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"Initial information indicated that a male had sustained a leg injury while working in the forest."

Air Ambulance N.I. was tasked to the scene of the incident.Air Ambulance N.I. was tasked to the scene of the incident.
Air Ambulance N.I. was tasked to the scene of the incident.

The spokesperson confirmed that Air Ambulance Northern Ireland was dispatched to the scene.

"N.I.A.S. despatched an Emergency Crew to the scene. The Charity Air Ambulance was also tasked to the incident with a HEMS team on board.

"Following initial assessment and treatment at the scene the patient was taken by ambulance to Altnagelvin Hospital."