Tractor Dyno Day for Trillick and District

Trillick and District young farmersTrillick and District young farmers
Trillick and District young farmers
Members of Trillick and District Young farmers Club are holding a Tractor Dyno Day (to test the power output of your tractor) and '˜Show and Shine' competition to help raise funds for members who are heading away on an exchange trip in summer 2016.

Members Bryan McKinley, Holly Vance, Jack Campbell, Lauren Vance and Shannen Vance are participating in a Young Farmers exchange trip to England, Scotland and Wales.

The Event will be held at the premises of Brian Keys Tractors, Dromore on Friday the 6th of May from 4pm – 9pm.

The members would like to invite the public to come and join in with what will be a great evening.