Three month-old baby girl dies after dog attack in house

Gardai have launched an investigation into the death of a three month old baby girl after she was attacked by a dog.Gardai have launched an investigation into the death of a three month old baby girl after she was attacked by a dog.
Gardai have launched an investigation into the death of a three month old baby girl after she was attacked by a dog.
A three month old baby girl has been killed by a dog in a house in the Republic of Ireland.

It is believed the baby girl was in a house in Clashmore village, Co. Waterford, when she was attacked.

The baby was pronounced dead after she was taken to Cork University Hospital.

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“We will keep the family in our prayers. Every support will be offered to them. It is terrible, terrible news," said Fr Milo Guiry.

Gardaí have launched an investigation.


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