Stormont move to get churches re-opened

Press Eye - Belfast Northern Ireland  - 13th May 2020

First Minister Arlene Foster pictured after a visit to Pond Park Primary school in Lisburn.

Photo by Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye.Press Eye - Belfast Northern Ireland  - 13th May 2020

First Minister Arlene Foster pictured after a visit to Pond Park Primary school in Lisburn.

Photo by Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye.
Press Eye - Belfast Northern Ireland - 13th May 2020 First Minister Arlene Foster pictured after a visit to Pond Park Primary school in Lisburn. Photo by Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye.
A working party is being set up by the Northern Ireland Executive to prepare for the re-opening for services in churches of all denominations in the Province.

Churches are being encouraged to get in touch with the Executive office at Stormont to ensure the collective views of the various faiths are accurately reflected in the process.

It is understood the working party will be driven by Executive ministers and civil servants and will have direct input from church representatives.

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The move has been welcomed by East Londonderry DUP MP Gregory Campbell, who, in a recent letter to the First Minister Arlene Foster, asked her and Executive colleagues to give priority to the early opening of all places of worship for congregational service requirements.

Mrs Foster belongs to the Church of Ireland and most of the Executive members are church-goers from across the religious divide.

Mr Campbell, who worships at a Free Presbyterian Church in Londonderry, said: “It was responsible and appropriate for churches to set aside their freedom of worship rights to help preserve life in accordance with the law, but we must all be mindful that freedom of worship is a fundamental right in our British democracy. It should be treated as such by all in government.

“As the rest of the economy and public services in Northern Ireland begin to return to normal, we all want to see our church congregations able to worship together safely once again.”

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Last weekend, the Irish government indicated that churches in the Republic can re-open for public worship from Monday, June 29.

Church re-opening in the south would probably force the Stormont Executive to make a similar move as the four main denominations (Presbyterian, Church of Ireland, Roman Catholic and Methodist) and even churches like the Baptists and Free Presbyterians, operate on an all-Ireland basis with some parishes and congregations in Fermanagh and Tyrone straddling the border.

The Church of Ireland, meanwhile, has provided protocol guidance to its parishioners in Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic for dealing with a return to churches for services.

The church says the guidance is not intended to replace those issued by statutory authorities in both jurisdictions and should always be interpreted in the light of official public health advice.

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A letter issued by the CoI primate the Rev John McDowell said many of the issues raised may be applicable to other purposes or to other church buildings.

“Further advice will follow in relation to the re-opening of churches for activities other than worship or the opening of other parish buildings,” said the primate.