Sinn Fein proposals '˜diminish point' of new Belfast transport plan

Belfasts new rapid transit vehicles were unveiled in OctoberBelfasts new rapid transit vehicles were unveiled in October
Belfasts new rapid transit vehicles were unveiled in October
Sinn Fein's 'last minute' proposals to amend Belfast's new glider bus system have been criticised as 'diminishing the point' of the rapid transit scheme.

The party plans to present two amendments to the proposals by the Department for Infrastructure on the operation of the £90m Belfast Rapid Transit Route (BRT) – to reduce the operating hours to cover peak times only, and to allow taxis into all BRT routes and all bus lanes in Belfast on a permanent basis.

Charity Sustrans works to make it easier for people to walk and cycle, and NI director Gordon Clarke said: “We are disappointed Sinn Fein is calling for these amendments at this late stage to the new glider bus system which has been over eight years in the planning.

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“This is the biggest investment in public transport in the city for decades which will be transformative providing a fast, reliable bus service for people who live and work in our city, as well as reducing congestion and air pollution.”

When introduced this year, the 18-metre glider buses will operate every seven to eight minutes throughout the working day linking east and west Belfast to the city centre.

Mr Clarke said: “In order for BRT to work it is dependent on traffic-free bus lanes 12 hours a day.

“Attempts to reduce the bus lanes’ operational times will reduce the service and allowing all taxis to use them will simply diminish the point of ‘rapid transit’.

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“Why should private hire taxis be given priority over the ordinary motorist to use bus lanes?”

Mr Clarke said allowing taxis into bus lanes would also threaten the safety of cyclists.

Businessman Ian Parsley, who is a former Alliance Party politician, said: “It’s a wee bit like when you build a table with four legs. If you take one of the legs away you still have most of the table’s materials, but you don’t have a table.

“You can’t put together a detailed transport plan then change it to accommodate taxis.”

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He added: “This has been around for years. Sinn Fein had the transport minister (Chris Hazzard) and suddenly now they’re raising these issues.

“Even if you accept that there is an issue with taxis it was an issue that needed to be dealt with four years ago.

“We’re well beyond the last minute to raise amendments.”