Sinn Fein MLA quits to become ministerial adviser

Jennifer McCann was elected as an MLA for West Belfast in MayJennifer McCann was elected as an MLA for West Belfast in May
Jennifer McCann was elected as an MLA for West Belfast in May
Former Sinn Fein junior minister Jennifer McCann is to quit as an MLA just six months after May's election.

Ms McCann will become an adviser to the Sinn Fein health minister.

However, Jim Allister highlighted that due to ‘Ann’s Law’ she will be unable to be a publicly funded adviser due to her conviction.

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He said: “Whatever the full story behind Jennifer McCann stepping down as an MLA to become an ‘adviser’ to the health minister the story is a reminder of the positive impact of Ann’s Law.

“McCann cannot become a special adviser – paid out of public funds – due to the fact that she was sentenced to 20 years for the shooting of an RUC officer.

“Thanks to the efforts of TUV in Stormont and the courageous campaign of Ann Travers the Special Advisers Act bars anyone with a serious conviction from being named a special political adviser (Spad).

“Because of this legislation McCann is barred from becoming a Spad and Sinn Fein/IRA will have to pay her out of their own party funds.

“That is a significant victory for victims as it reminds both the public and republicans that in this respect at least they cannot escape the consequences of their actions.”