SDLP MLA ridicules claim she made '˜homophobic' comment

Claire Hanna in August 2016, at a fundraising event for gay campaign group the Rainbow ProjectClaire Hanna in August 2016, at a fundraising event for gay campaign group the Rainbow Project
Claire Hanna in August 2016, at a fundraising event for gay campaign group the Rainbow Project
An SDLP MLA who was last year nominated for an award from a gay magazine has become embroiled in a heated spat online about homophobia, centring on an exchange between her and a Sinn Fein member.

Claire Hanna (@ClaireHanna), the SDLP’s finance spokeswoman, made remarks on Twitter aimed at Michael Gray Sloan (@mgs_IRL), in which she initially accused him of being a “d**k”, then moved on to suggest he was “bent out of shape”.

This led to accusations that her use of the term “bent” was “homophobic” – something she said was “insulting people’s intelligence” given her history of backing gay rights.

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Claire Hanna has been MLA for South Belfast since 2015, and a councillor before that from 2011.

Politicians from L-R Mary Lou McDonald (Sinn Fein), Billy Hutchinson (PUP), John Blair (Alliance), Stephen Agnew (Green Part) , Claire Hanna (SDLP) and Doug Beattie (UUP)  take question on gay issues during the Pride Talks back event at the Mac in Belfast on MondayPoliticians from L-R Mary Lou McDonald (Sinn Fein), Billy Hutchinson (PUP), John Blair (Alliance), Stephen Agnew (Green Part) , Claire Hanna (SDLP) and Doug Beattie (UUP)  take question on gay issues during the Pride Talks back event at the Mac in Belfast on Monday
Politicians from L-R Mary Lou McDonald (Sinn Fein), Billy Hutchinson (PUP), John Blair (Alliance), Stephen Agnew (Green Part) , Claire Hanna (SDLP) and Doug Beattie (UUP) take question on gay issues during the Pride Talks back event at the Mac in Belfast on Monday

According to his 2016 Sinn Fein profile, Michael Gray Sloan was political advisor to ex-MLA Caitriona Ruane.

He is listed by LinkedIn as being a policy advisor to Sinn Fein on gay and transgender issues, and had also worked for gay campaign group the Rainbow Project.

Last year it was revealed that Caitriona Ruane had given some of the £55,000 per annum salary she had earned as deputy speaker – a role she was still technically allowed to keep, despite not even being an MLA, and the Assembly not existing – to an unnamed gay campaign group READ MORE HERE.

The Twitter spat unfolded, blow-by-blow, as follows:

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In reference to her appearance at an gay pride event called Pride Talks Back on Monday, @mgs_IRL wrote: “Claire Hanna SDLP sweating at the mere notion of saying her colleague’s name: Alban MaGuinness and marriage equality. #PrideTalksBack”.

This is a reference to former North Belfast MLA Alban Maginness, who is on record as taking a traditional view of marriage.

@ClaireHanna replied about half an hour later: “You sad, grotty little liar. So poisoned by anger & loathing than you are prepared to just make stuff up in a crowded room for RTs from your angry insecure wee mates. What a d**k .”

@mgs_IRL responded: “Wow wow wow - has one hit a nerve?... Nothing like a straight person telling a gay person to get back in their box eh?”

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