Ross attends Battle of Britain event in London

Junior Minister Alastair Ross DUP MLAJunior Minister Alastair Ross DUP MLA
Junior Minister Alastair Ross DUP MLA
Stormont Junior Minister Alastair Ross has attended a service of thanksgiving for the Battle of Britain in Westminster Abbey.

Today’s event marked the victory of RAF pilots and aircrew in the battle, the first major campaign fought entirely in the skies, in 1940.

The DUP MLA said it was a “privilege” to represent the First Minister at the event, adding: “This service is an apt reminder of the remarkable victory and sacrifice of the airmen who fought in our defence 76 years ago.

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“Today is a celebration of their victory but also importantly a commemoration of those who lost their lives. We owe our thanks to the men and women of the RAF service, the surviving veterans of the battle and all those who gave the supreme sacrifice.

“Remembering and learning from the dreadful consequences of division and conflict is vital if we are to build a better future. We must all continue to dedicate ourselves to strive for peace and justice.”