Reported On This Day 280 years ago (March 13 1739): The plague has gone from Ukraine

The front page of the Belfast News Letter of March 2 1738 (March 13 1739 in the modern calendar)The front page of the Belfast News Letter of March 2 1738 (March 13 1739 in the modern calendar)
The front page of the Belfast News Letter of March 2 1738 (March 13 1739 in the modern calendar)
From the Belfast News Letter of March 2 1738, which is in fact March 13 1739 in the modern calendar (because the new year then did not change until late March, and so the early parts of March were considered part of the same year as preceding months including December):

Yesterday arrived one BRITISH Packet, which brought one FRENCH and one HOLLAND Mails, which, with the Remainder of last three, are as follow, viz.

RUSSIA. Petersburg, January 27.

FELT Marshal Lacy arrived here last Sunday from the Borders of the Ukraine; and it is confirmed from thence, that there is nothing to be feared at present from the Plague, which has entirely ceased in those distant Parts. To prevent its spreading, the Villages that had been infected with the Distemper, were burnt.

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[The great plague of 1738 affected much of central and eastern Europe]

Petersburg, Feb. 2. O.S. The 19th of last Month, the Empress promoted Major General Baron Lubras, a Scotchman, to the Rank of Lieutenant General, and order’d him to set out forthwith to visit the Reparations making in the Port of Revel; after which he is to proceed to Courland, in order to visit likewise the Port of Vindau and another near Libau.

[The Empress, also known as the Czarina, was Anna of Russia, who held office until 1740. Russia and Austria were engaged in a war against the Ottoman empire. The tensions and problems from that war are evident in the report below]

They write from Versailles, that the Cardinal de Fleury is almost in the Mind to leave the Corsicans to their own Destiny, and to let the Rascals fight it out amongst themselves; for his Eminency is so affected at the News of the Shipwreck of the last Reinforcement that was sent thither, and at the Corsicans barbarous Treatment of the French, who with the greatest Difficulty escap’d ashore, that he is not yet fully determined, whether the 12 Regiments that were talk’d of, shall go to such a diabolical County, tho’ the Republick of Genoa is to maintain them, by virtue of a Contract which the Genoese Minister has sign’d with those of his Most Chrstian Majesty.


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Warsaw, Feb. 11. N.S. The 8th Instant being the Anniversary of the Czarina’s Birthday, the King of Poland communicated to the Polish Ministry, that he had prevailed with her Czarish Majesty not to let her Troops march through the Country for Hungary: And a Courier has been dispatched to the Court of Vienna, to acquaint the Emperor, that the 30,000 Russians, out of Consideration for Poland, can’t possibly march to his Imperial Majesty’s Assistance in Hungary, but that the Czarina will in lieu thereof contribute a Million of Rubles to the Support of the present War.

By the same Opportunity the King of Poland assures his Imperial Majesty of his Saxon Auxiliaries, on the very easy Conditions they were granted last Year. The Plague being entirely ceased, the Post will be now opened to Constantinople, by Caminieck and Choczim.

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