Jamie Bryson denies any links to Sinn Fein’s John Finucane election banners

Jamie Bryson said he had no part in the banners about Sinn Fein's John Finucane. Photo: Pacemaker.Jamie Bryson said he had no part in the banners about Sinn Fein's John Finucane. Photo: Pacemaker.
Jamie Bryson said he had no part in the banners about Sinn Fein's John Finucane. Photo: Pacemaker.
Loyalist blogger Jamie Bryson has firmly denied any links to banners making allegations about the Sinn Fein North Belfast election candidate John Finucane and his family.

Asked by the BBC’s Stephen Nolan on Wednesday if he had anything to do with putting the banners together, Mr Bryson paused for two seconds before stuttering. “I don’t own a printer shop so no, I didn’t print any of the banners,” he said.

Mr Nolan replied: “I didn’t ask if you printed them. Have you been part of the organisation behind those banners?”

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The blogger answered: “Well look, I think that the banners are a positive thing but ultimately this is a grass roots unionist and loyalist thing. It is not any one person or any one group so...”

But Mr Nolan interrupted, saying: “You are in trouble now Jamie aren’t you, when I ask you that question and your mind pauses to see how you can avoid it.”

He pressed the blogger again on whether he had any part in organising the banners, including the thought behind them.

Mr Bryson replied: “So now you are asking me for an analysis of my thought process?”

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But Nolan countered that he was not, but rather asking if he had any part in the banners to which the blogger replied “I am not behind the banners...”.

The broadcaster then asked if Mr Bryson had any part in the discussions behind them. Mr Bryson replied: “Well look, I have many discussions with many people all of the time... I am not going to get into private conversations ...but I am telling you, I did not organise and I did not put up the banners.”

He added: “I am not orchestrating this... the notion that I am orchestrating this in all of the geographical locations is just absolutely ridiculous, that one person would be behind all this.”