Former deputy chair tells Tories to pay election bill

Former NI Conservative candidate Gary HyndsFormer NI Conservative candidate Gary Hynds
Former NI Conservative candidate Gary Hynds
A former Northern Ireland Conservative candidate has accused the party of refusing to pay a £602 bill for election leaflets.

The election literature was ordered by Gary Hynds in his capacity as deputy chair of the Northern Ireland Tories following his selection as their candidate for Lagan Valley in May’s Assembly election.

But Mr Hynds later resigned from the party over its attitude to the NI Protocol.

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He then stood as an independent which meant the Conservative leaflets had to be dumped.

But the bill to the printer is now 16 weeks outstanding according to Mr Hynds and he is calling on local Tories to pay it.

Mr Hynds said: “A local printer, a trusted supplier, is out £602. Normally, bills are paid within 30 days but the party is dragging its feet on this one.

“It does nothing for the reputation of the Northern Ireland Conservatives that it behaves in this shoddy manner. The party of business is welching on a business transaction, and it is deplorable.”

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The business owner and former Tory continued: “I am reporting this behaviour to the Electoral Commission and have also emailed the official in charge of Northern Ireland, Callum Purves, to express my disappointment and disgust.

“The party is ‘in the dock’ over this shabby episode.

“This is no way to treat suppliers – small businesses. I, too, have a small business and I know in these cost-conscious times how important it is to pay and be paid.”

After his resignation, Mr Hynds stood as an independent in Lagan Valley where he polled 735 first preference votes.

The local Conservatives declined to comment on the details of the printing contract but a spokesperson said: “The party does not comment on the views of former members.”