ELECTION 2022: Fermanagh & South Tyrone – unionists set for one seat each

Press Eye - Belfast - Northern Ireland - 6th May 2022Counting begins at three count centres for the Northern Ireland Assembly Election 2022.  The UUP’s Tom Elliott(left) and Ian Marshall at the count in Meadowbank Sports Arena, Magherafelt. Picture by Jonathan Porter/PressEyePress Eye - Belfast - Northern Ireland - 6th May 2022Counting begins at three count centres for the Northern Ireland Assembly Election 2022.  The UUP’s Tom Elliott(left) and Ian Marshall at the count in Meadowbank Sports Arena, Magherafelt. Picture by Jonathan Porter/PressEye
Press Eye - Belfast - Northern Ireland - 6th May 2022Counting begins at three count centres for the Northern Ireland Assembly Election 2022. The UUP’s Tom Elliott(left) and Ian Marshall at the count in Meadowbank Sports Arena, Magherafelt. Picture by Jonathan Porter/PressEye
Although only one seat was decided in Fermanagh & South Tyrone at close of play, the way the election will unfold in the constituency looks fairly straightforward.

In an area with a near 70% turn out, the first seat went to Sinn Fein’s Jemma Dolan who got 9,067 first preference votes.

The party will finish with three MLAs – status quo in the constituency – when Colm Gilderhew and Aine Murphy, who polled second and third, are returned today.

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Some 2,000 votes back are Tom Elliott of the UUP and Deborah Erskine of the DUP on almost equal first preference votes.

Lurking behind them is Paul Bell, who had previously quit the DUP over the treatment of leader Arlene Foster, but was persuaded by Sir Jeffrey to return to the fold.

It is likely the unionist parties will share a seat each as the chasing pack are too far behind, but it is worth mentioning another strong showing from TUV candidate Alex Elliott who took 3,091 first preference votes compared to 780 in 2017.

Unlikely to get in himself, his transfer could decide who prevails between the two DUP candidates.

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Fermanagh and West Tyrone is one constituency which the Alliance have failed to crack with Matthew Beaumont polling behind all of the unionist parties as well as the three Sinn Fein candidates and one SDLP candidate.

In terms of UUP’s Mr Elliott, the former Ulster Unionist leader looks to be on the comeback trail.

He had served as an MLA before taking the Westminster seat from Sinn Fein’s Michelle Gildernew in 2015 – holding it for two years before Ms Gildernew reclaimed the seat in 2017 and then retained it ahead of Mr Elliott in 2019.

Before the election he said he wouldn’t rule out unionists taking a seat from Sinn Fein, but that does not look to be the case.

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All the same, he’ll be happy on his election return to take a seat today, less so, his running mate Mrs Barton who lost hers after being eliminated.

Though Mr Elliott told the Belfast Telegraph that the pair had a mutual agreement with his former teacher that “whatever happens, happens”.

He said: “We’re just taking it as it comes. Rosemary and I have known each other for many, many years. In fact, she taught me at school.

“There’s no issue around it. Whatever comes with this, we accept.”