David Campbell: If Ulster Unionists stand in all seats, it will be a declaration of war on fellow unionists and a boost for Sinn Fein

Only combined unionist votes can win Fermanagh and South Tyrone or North BelfastOnly combined unionist votes can win Fermanagh and South Tyrone or North Belfast
Only combined unionist votes can win Fermanagh and South Tyrone or North Belfast
The election of Steve Aiken as Leader of the Ulster Unionist Party will represent the political equivalent of calling in the receivers to the party if his recent policy announcements are followed.

The average unionist voter has shown time and time again that their principle desire is for unionist unity and the maximisation of unionist seats, particularly if the chance of a seat falling to Sinn Fein will result from multiple unionist candidates.

For Mr Aiken to declare that the UUP will stand in every seat is in actual fact a declaration of war against fellow unionists and a huge boost for Sinn Fein.

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For over 20 years the UUP held North Belfast because the average unionist voter deemed him as having the best chance of maintaining the constituency for the Union. The seat then passed to Nigel Dodds who has continued that tradition and is clearly the only unionist capable of retaining the seat against a strong Sinn Fein challenge.

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Letter to the editor

Similarly, in Fermanagh and South Tyrone the only unionist capable of winning the seat back for unionism is Tom Elliott who has already proved that he can do it.

I would hope and expect that his candidature would be supported by the DUP.

It would be interesting to learn if Mr Aiken consulted his own members in Fermanagh and South Tyrone before making his announcement.

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During my tenure as party chairman I repeatedly warned of the dangers of unionist disunity and advised that if the party was not proactive in seeking sensible electoral arrangements with the DUP and others then it would be the prime casualty as the unionist electorate would take those decisions themselves.

This has proven to be the case.

Mr Aiken needs to reflect on his comments, consult with wiser heads within the UUP, and react to the wishes of the voter if he hopes to retain any relevance in unionist politics.

David Campbell, Co Antrim