All pro-Union parties react to Unison statement on Covid Army medics

Clockwise: Jonathan Buckley, Jim McCaw, Steve Aiken and Stephen CooperClockwise: Jonathan Buckley, Jim McCaw, Steve Aiken and Stephen Cooper
Clockwise: Jonathan Buckley, Jim McCaw, Steve Aiken and Stephen Cooper
Members of all the four main unionist parties (DUP, UUP, TUV and PUP) have issued statements decrying a missive from the trade union Unison concerning the deployment of the Army to fight Covid-19.

Unison last night issued a statement on its Northern Irish branch’s Facebook page, after news emerged that around 110 military medics will be brought in to aid the fight against coronavirus in the Province’s NHS.

The Unison statement demanded answers about the deployment, and stressed that the union had not been consulted.

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Here the News Letter breaks down the reaction so far to Unison’s message.

> A statement from DUP MLA Jonathan Buckley this morning said: “This statement from Unison is extremely disappointing and is out of step with both Unison’s own members and the wider public.

“I have already been contacted by health service staff making clear that this does not represent their views.

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“People will not understand why Unison are demanding information on staffing pressures at the current time.

“Every one of us knows the difficulties they face and we are all incredibly grateful for their immense contribution.

“We all too should support assistance from any quarter which can help relieve that pressure and ensure the most effective treatment possible for our patients.

“This must be a united effort, and we should be focusing on the medical skills and expertise brought by the additional staff rather than the fact they happen to be members of our armed forces.

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“I would hope that Unison will take the opportunity to quickly clarify their position and ensure that an effort to help patients in our hospitals is not dragged into controversy.”

> Voicing similar sentiments fellow DUP MLA Pam Cameron wrote on Twitter: “Receiving lots of messages from Unison members and other health workers from across South Antrim who are totally dismayed by the offensive statement released last night.

“@UNISONNI need to issue a full retraction and public apology urgently.”

> UUP leader Steve Aiken wrote: “Judging by the number of healthcare workers who have contacted me tonight they are absolutely incredulous at @UNISONNI statement this evening – getting help is what is needed – time for Unison to withdraw its appallingly inappropriate remarks.”

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> And David Taylor, UUP councillor in Newry, Mourne and Down, wrote: “This statement from UNISON is difficult to comprehend.

“Given the intense pressures faced by our health service at present, I have no doubt local NHS staff will welcome the additional personnel support announced today.”

> A TUV statement in the name of Comber councillor Stephen Cooper referred to the “shameful statement issued by Unison”.

He said: “Here we have a union which presents itself as the official voice of many workers in the health service questioning assistance to our hospitals.

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“Unison representatives are frequently on the media highlighting the pressures within the NHS.

“Tonight because that pressure is being relieved by our armed forces they are questioning the need for assistance.

“The furious reaction from members and the general public on social media is both justified and predictable. Unison need to step back, recognise they have made a mistake and apologise.”

> And the PUP’s John Kyle, a long-serving doctor, said: “At a time when we should all be working together to combat COVID-19, protect the vulnerable and support NHS staff, Unison release this ridiculous statement. Does this really represent the views of Unison members?”

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> Meanwhile the party’s Armed Forces spokesman Jim McCaw issued a statement saying: “I have spoken to many members of Unison in the past few hours who are feeling disenfranchised and offended by the statement.

“I would like to take this opportunity to give my party’s gratitude to the MoD for assisting us once again in our hour of need.

“We must not allow those in our society intent on politicising much needed medical aid in a time of crisis to succeed.

“Questions must be asked and answered by Unison as to who is behind statement and why?

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“I call on all parties across the political spectrum to join in the justified public condemnation, including many rank and file Unison members.

“Covid-19 knows no political boundaries. It is a threat to all in society.”

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