Activists claim NI has as many transgender people as ethnic minorities

Some of the world's national flags outside the UN HQSome of the world's national flags outside the UN HQ
Some of the world's national flags outside the UN HQ
An activist organsation called Transgender NI has claimed that 1% of the Province’s population are transgender.

An activist organsation called Transgender NI has claimed that 1% of the Province’s population are transgender.

The claim was made during a training course delivered by Transgender NI to the PSNI in November 2018.

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It was part of the custody sergeant course, and was compulsory for all officers new to the role.

About 24 officers took part, and Transgender NI was paid £1,030 for the training.

Among the claims made in the training slides is that “roughly 1% of people consider their gender to be different to that assigned at birth” (although it adds that not all such people will ‘transition’ to this other gender).

If 1% of the NI population were indeed transgender, then that would be about 19,000 people.

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To put that in context, that would amount to slightly more than three times the number of Chinese people in the Province (according to the 2011 census).

Or to put it another way, 19,000 is roughly equal to all of those Chinese people (circa 6,300), combined with all the Indians (c.6,200), Pakistanis (c.1,100), and Bangladeshis in the Province (540), as well as those from all other Asian countries (c.5,000).

It was put to Transgender NI that it had overestimated the numbers of transgender people in the Province.

The News Letter asked what the 1% claim was based on, but this met with no response.


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