Victims of 1972 Claudy bomb are remembered on anniversary of the IRA atrocity

A short commemorative event at the Claudy bomb memorial site in the village on July 31 2021. on the anniversary of the 1972 Provisional IRA bomb thereA short commemorative event at the Claudy bomb memorial site in the village on July 31 2021. on the anniversary of the 1972 Provisional IRA bomb there
A short commemorative event at the Claudy bomb memorial site in the village on July 31 2021. on the anniversary of the 1972 Provisional IRA bomb there
A commemoration was held yesterday on the anniversary of the Claudy bomb.

The short event was held at the memorial site in the village, where on July 31 1972 the Provisional IRA murdered nine people and injured more than a hundred.

Family representatives attended, as did the DUP Mayor of Derry and Strabane Graham Warke, Gregory Campbell MP and Gary Middleton MLA.

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Speaking after the event, Mr Campbell said: “Any amnesty being introduced by the UK government would mean that even if evidence were to emerge against those responsible for this, one of the worst atrocities of the Troubles, no one would ever face a court of law for their crimes against innocent adults and children.”

The East Londonderry MP added: “This is yet another reason why Secretary of State Brandon Lewis needs to think again.”

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